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5 Advantages of the DHI Method of Hair Transplantation

5 Advantages of the DHI Method of Hair Transplantation

Balding, thinning, or receding hair can make you look older than you are and leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Fortunately, most cases of hair loss are treatable, and there’s a full scope of effective hair restoration solutions to choose from.

If you’ve decided you don’t want to live with balding, thinning, or receding hair, Jennylle Zanzi, FNP-C, and our skilled team at RVA Regenerative Wellness in Midlothian, Virginia, can help. 

As the only DHI hair transplant specialist in America and an expert in regenerative therapies like platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Jennylle knows it can be hard to make sense of your hair loss treatment options. With that in mind, she explains five major advantages of Direct Hair Implantation® (DHI) over other hair loss treatment options. 

1. DHI hair transplantation is minimally invasive

Over the years, hair loss experts have developed various hair transplant surgeries to help people regrow their hair. Two of the most widely used techniques are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

During FUT, a surgeon cuts a strip of hair from the back of your scalp and extracts individual hair follicles to implant in the treatment area. With FUE, a surgeon extracts individual follicles directly from your scalp, then implants them in a series of manually cut hair follicle channels. 

DHI hair transplantation is a painless, minimally invasive modification of the FUE technique that doesn’t rely on scalpels or incisions to harvest donor hair follicles or manually create open channels in the recipient site. 

Instead, DHI uses small, specialized tools to remove individual hair follicles and place them directly in the treatment area, effectively creating new hair follicle channels as each donor graft is implanted. 

2. The DHI approach doesn’t leave unsightly scars

FUT surgery is usually quicker and less expensive than other hair transplantation options, but cutting a long, narrow strip of hair and skin from the back of your scalp has a significant downside. It can leave a long scar that may be noticeable if you normally keep your hair short.

With the minimally invasive, incision-free DHI hair transplant approach, most of your scalp and surrounding hair follicles are virtually untouched. Even better, it isn’t necessary to use a scalpel to open the channels for the follicle grafts, so the new channels are much smaller and look completely natural, even close-up.

3. The DHI technique creates natural-looking results

While minimally invasive techniques and no scarring are certainly key advantages of DHI hair transplantation, there’s another major benefit you’ll love even more: natural-looking results.

Using a high-precision tool called the Choi implanter pen, the DHI approach enables greater dexterity and control during implantation. This gives Jennylle optimal control of the tilt angle, direction, and channel depth of the newly transplanted hair.

By giving full control over the angle, depth, direction, and precise placement of each hair, the DHI method achieves results that look completely natural. It allows Jennylle to determine the direction and dimensions of hair growth according to your preference so that when your hair begins to grow anew, it won’t look like it was surgically transplanted there. 

4. The DHI method can help you achieve higher density 

Although the canal drilling method used in FUE hair transplant surgery can be very effective for covering larger treatment areas more effectively, it doesn’t always translate to the high density that leads to a full head of lush, healthy hair.

DHI hair transplantation is a high-density technique involving implanting 50-60 hair grafts per square centimeter to achieve results that mirror natural and full hair density. By comparison, FUE surgery and other hair transplant techniques typically implant 35-45 hair grafts per square centimeter.

5. DHI hair transplantation comes with no downtime

Because it uses a local anesthetic and minimally invasive techniques, DHI hair transplantation comes with virtually no downtime. You can resume most normal activities right away, although you shouldn’t engage in vigorous exercise for a week.

With FUT surgery, on the other hand, you can expect 10-14 days of rest and recovery that comes with more intensive healing as your skin forms scabs over the donor and transplant areas. Compared to FUT, DHI requires far less healing time and causes far less post-procedural swelling and discomfort. 

Ready to learn more about DHI hair transplantation? Call 786-971-0914 today, or click online to schedule an appointment at RVA Regenerative Wellness any time.

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