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Am I a Candidate for a DHI Hair Transplant?

Am I a Candidate for a DHI Hair Transplant?

Millions of people in the United States are affected by hair loss at any given time. But for as common as it is among men and women alike, living with balding, thinning, or receding hair still makes many people feel acutely self-conscious about their appearance.

Luckily, most cases of hair loss are highly treatable — and Jennylle Zanzi, FNP-C, and our skilled team at RVA Regenerative Wellness in Midlothian, Virginia, can help you find a hair restoration plan that works for you. 

When it comes to reversing hair loss and restoring a full head of lush, healthy hair, Direct Hair Implantation® (DHI) is widely regarded as the gold-standard approach. Here, we explore four key factors that help us determine if you’re a good candidate for this advanced solution.

1. You’ve got androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss for all adults, affecting about 50 million men and 30 million women in the U.S. Otherwise known as “male- and female-pattern baldness,” this form of hair loss is largely driven by genetic predisposition. 

Male-pattern baldness, typified by a bald spot or a receding hairline, can begin as early as puberty but often appears around middle age. Female-pattern baldness generally takes the form of thinning hair or a receding hairline starting in middle age. 

DHI hair transplantation is most effective for this type of hair loss and a viable option for most people looking to restore their hair.

2. You’re managing contributing factors

Sometimes, androgenetic alopecia is exacerbated by other factors, like chronic stress, poor nutrition, thyroid imbalance, and the female hormonal changes brought on by childbirth and menopause. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another female hormonal disorder that can trigger or contribute to hair loss.

It’s important to have a comprehensive health evaluation before you pursue any type of hair transplant procedure, as taking steps to manage any contributing conditions — no matter how minor they may seem — can make your treatment much more successful. 

Depending on your needs, we may recommend a pre-treatment period of stress reduction, individualized nutritional support, bioidentical hormone therapy, or PCOS management to help you lay the foundation for optimal DHI hair transplant results.

3. You’re at least 25 years old

While there’s no upper age limit for DHI hair transplantation, there are guidelines surrounding minimum age recommendations. Specifically, we advise patients to wait until they’re at least 25 years old — preferably over 30 — before undergoing a DHI hair transplant.

Although some boys start seeing signs of male-pattern baldness as early as adolescence, hair loss patterns don’t stabilize before age 25. For men who experience hair loss in young adulthood, it’s often best to treat the problem with hair loss medication until the process has stabilized, usually around age 30. 

Waiting for your scalp to be “ready” for a DHI hair transplant can help you get the best possible results. 

4. You have good donor hair density 

DHI hair transplantation uses exacting, minimally invasive techniques to harvest viable hair follicles from a donor area along the back of your scalp. The DHI method is also renowned for being a “high-density” approach, implanting 50-60 donor hair grafts per square centimeter to achieve results that mirror fuller, natural hair density.

Without good donor hair density, defined as having more than 40 hair follicles per square centimeter throughout the donor area, we can’t harvest enough viable donor grafts to give you the best DHI hair transplantation results. 

In such cases, a natural hair follicle regenerative therapy called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be your best hair restoration option. 

Is DHI hair transplantation right for you?

As the only DHI hair transplant specialist in America, Jennylle knows just how transformative this minimally invasive, maximally effective hair restoration treatment can be. Find out if you’re a candidate: Call 786-971-0914 today, or click online to schedule a visit at RVA Regenerative Wellness any time.

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