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What Makes our Weight Loss Approach Different and so Successful

What Makes our Weight Loss Approach Different and so Successful

If you’re struggling with your body weight, you’re not alone: Three in four adults in the United States are either overweight or obese. And if you’re like most people, you want to reach a healthier weight, but you don’t know where to start or you’re worried you’ll just gain it all back.

At RVA Regenerative Wellness in Midlothian, Virginia, Jennylle Zanzi, FNP-C, and our team offer individually tailored, fully supported weight loss management services to help you attain the kind of safe, sustainable weight loss that sets you up for long-term weight control success.   

Here’s what makes our approach so different and so effective.

We help you ditch unhealthy weight loss fads

It’s helpful to recognize what unhealthy, unsustainable approaches to weight loss look like in order to understand what not to do. There are many weight loss and diet fads that are unlikely to help you reach your goals, including:

While rapid weight loss (losing more than two pounds in one week) is sometimes done under the guidance of a medical professional to help someone with severe obesity initially, it isn’t considered healthy, sustainable, or advisable for those with more moderate weight loss goals. 

We help you clarify your personal motivators

Feeling ready and excited to lose weight is the first step toward weight loss success, but it requires an ongoing renewal of dedication when you’re tempted to fall back into old habits.

Getting clear on your weight loss intentions, also known as your personal motivators, can help you stay on track. You may want to lose weight to:

Clarifying your personal intentions has the power to keep you genuinely motivated as you work toward your weekly, monthly, and long-term weight management goals.    

Four key areas of our tailored weight loss approach

Healthy weight loss is gradual and sustainable. This means you should aim to lose up to two pounds each week (or up to eight pounds per month) through cleaner eating patterns and increased physical activity. Once reaching your target weight, you should maintain these healthy habits to prevent regaining weight. 

Sustainable goal setting 

After evaluating your previous weight control history, health history, chronic disease needs, body composition, and genetic predispositions, we help you set a realistic goal weight and map out a detailed, week-by-week plan to help you achieve it. 

Healthy eating patterns

Healthy eating patterns support weight loss and optimized well-being by providing your body with balanced nutrition delivered through the right number of calories. Getting the right blend of nutrients boosts your energy, recalibrates your metabolism, and helps trigger your natural fat-burning mechanisms for more efficient weight loss.  

Wholesome foods like fruit, vegetables, legumes, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains are satiating, heart-healthy, and promote easier long-term weight control. 

Exercise and fitness

Physical activity helps you gain a fitter, stronger body as you lose unwanted pounds. Besides helping you shed fat more efficiently, daily exercise strengthens your muscles, increases your flexibility, improves your aerobic endurance, and supports improved bone and joint health.

Our team creates an individualized workout plan that suits your current fitness level and offers ample opportunity for safe advancement as you improve. Your weekly routine includes cardio, strength, and flexibility components to help you achieve well-rounded fitness.  

Personalized support

With the key elements of your weight loss plan in place, we evaluate the need for additional support. If you need help jumpstarting your metabolism, for example, we may recommend:

Whatever your specific needs happen to be, our team strives to offer the support that will help you continue progressing toward your goal.   

A fitter, healthier body is within reach

Ready to reveal your best body? We can help. Call today to learn more about the weight loss management services at RVA Regenerative Wellness in Midlothian, Virginia, or click online to schedule a consultation with our experts at any time.

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