What to Expect During and After IV Therapy

Whether you’re looking to boost your immunity, aid recovery after an intense athletic event, offset the inflammatory effects of stress, remedy a nutritional deficiency, improve your metabolism, or feel more energized, IV therapy can help.
No matter what your wellness goals are, chances are IV therapy can play a supportive role in helping you reach them. Almost everyone can benefit from IV therapy at various times in life.
At RVA Regenerative Wellness in Midlothian, Virginia, Jennylle Zanzi, FNP-C, and our expert team offer fully individualized IV therapy treatments to help you reach your health objectives, whatever they happen to be.
Read on to learn about the benefits of IV therapy, and find out what you can expect during and after a routine treatment session.
IV infusion therapy explained
IV (intravenous) therapy is a simple and highly effective method of administering fluids and nutrients directly to your circulatory system. By bypassing your digestive system entirely, this quick and easy treatment helps ensure the rapid and complete delivery of hydrating fluids and nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the cells that need them the most.
IV infusions are a standard component of medical care in hospitals around the globe for good reason. Injecting the fluids and nutrients you need directly into your veins can help stabilize, nourish, clarify, and energize your body systems with near-immediate effect.
At RVA Regenerative Wellness, we offer a full scope of custom IV infusion solutions that are carefully selected and formulated to address or prevent specific nutritional deficiencies and imbalances and meet a diverse range of health needs.
What’s an IV therapy session like?
Your IV infusion therapy session begins with an initial consultation to go over your medical history, current health concerns, and specific wellness goals.
Customized to your needs
In addition to helping us determine which IV formulation matches your personal needs, the information we glean from your health background also helps us ensure there’s nothing that would make certain IV infusions inadvisable.
Understanding your infusion
Next, we discuss which IV infusion formulation best meets your objectives, listing the various nutritive substances (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants), and explaining what each nutrient does for your body.
IV insertion preparation
The average IV therapy session lasts for about 40 minutes. During the treatment, you sit in a lounge chair that elevates your feet and offers comfortable, full-body support. We wrap a band around your upper arm and ask you to make a tight fist so we can locate the best section of your veins for needle insertion.
After cleaning and disinfecting the area of skin over the chosen site, we insert a fine needle paired with a narrow tube called an IV cannula in your vein. Once the delivery mechanism is in place in your vessel, we gently ease the needle out and attach the cannula to your skin with medical tape.
Your IV infusion treatment
Once the cannula is fully secured, we open the IV catheter. Your infusion flows slowly and steadily from the IV bag through the catheter and cannula and into your vein. You can read, watch TV, or rest during your session; most people find the process calming and relaxing.
After your IV infusion treatment
There’s no downtime after your IV therapy session, and thanks to the rapid influx of fluids and electrolytes, you can expect to leave feeling reinvigorated, centered, and refreshed. You should feel these benefits in the days and weeks following your treatment.
In some cases, IV infusion therapy is most beneficial when administered regularly. Depending on your health needs and goals, we may recommend you have a session every few weeks to support optimal wellness.
If you have questions about IV therapy, we have answers. Call 786-224-6878 today, or click online to schedule a visit at RVA Regenerative Wellness any time.
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